Brat Princess 2 - BP - Devon Encouraged by Sisters to Eat Fattening food and Humiliated with Foot Worship
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Pledge, devon, has not gained enough weight to satisfy her sorority sisters. Devon has a quota that she must meet every week in order to be included in sorority activities. The girls have even made a growth chart on the fridge to record devon's gains. Of course, devon isn't really a part of the sorority like the rest of the sisters. The hotter girls just think it's fun to haze and bully the freshman pledge. It's amazing the degrading things the sisters can make devon do in her quest to be accepted and liked. The sorority girls form a line and have devon kiss each of their shoes to remind her of her place as a pledge. Devon does as she is told because she wants to fit in and be accepted by the popular girls. The sisters laugh at devon while she kisses their expensive shoes. Amadahy tells the freshman to worship her feet while the other sorority girls record the act on video. The girls laugh at devon while she licks Amadahy's feet. Amadahy's feet are very stinky and sweaty and it is humiliating for devon to be to clean them on camera and in front of the whole sorority that she so desperately wants to be a part of. The sorority decides that devon is not really being punished by being made to worship Amadahy's feet, though. They suspect devon has a big crush on Amadahy and seems to not totally hate it. In search of a more fitting punishment, Amadahy tells devon that she will have to eat more food. Devon objects because she is full. The sorority decides that a feeding is the perfect punishment to fit the infraction of not meeting the gain quota. Devon resists the feeding because she has already had a lot of fattening food and doesn't think she can eat any more. Amadahy holds her shoe over devon's nose until devon gives in and agrees to eat. Amadahy can make a pledge do just about anything. Amadahy feeds devon a donut. The girls make devon smell the donut first while making comments about how fat she is getting. They make pig noses and oinking sounds while devon eats. Amadahy fondles devon's breasts and belly to encourage her to eat more. Devon loves the attention from her crush, but looks sad, so Kendall tells her to smile. They make devon lick the cream out of the donut. Kendall laughs and points at devon with cream on her face, “I don't ever want to look like her!” The girls all laugh at devon's fat body. The sorority sisters continue to make jokes and comments about devon's weight as she eats. Devon wants to stop eating, but the girls get really stern with her. A pledge must do as it is told. They feed devon the rest of the donut and tell her to rub her fat belly. Devon does as she is told and rubs her belly. When enough food has been eaten, the sorority girls make devon stand and display her body in underwear. Amadahy pokes at devon's exposed fat. The rest of the sisters follow suit, poking and fondling devon's body. Kendall comments that devon is so fat, she looks pregnant. Devon will not be able to go out with her sorority sisters. She's too fat to be seen with in public. She doesn't fit in. She doesn't match the group. She can't wear fashion like the rest of the sorority. She'll have to wear like a shower curtain or whatever it is fat girls wear. She might as well just give into her vices and get as fat as she possibly can, since she is already too fat to fit in with the sorority clique. Amadahy tells her that she will need to eat a whole large pizza and film herself eating it while the rest of the sorority is at the party. She should just stick to what she does best, and devon is best at being the fattest. They sisters line up and make devon kiss their shoes again before they leave her to go to the party together. Devon kisses everyone's shoes. She is very sad to see everyone leave without her. (15:33 long)
Date: 09/08/2022